Introducing Gondola by TestArchitect

We are pleased to announce the release of Gondola by TestArchitect. Gondola is customized to meet the needs of big and small QA teams in their DevOps and Digital Transformations (DX) initiatives. 

Gondola Free comes with 2 free agent licenses and allows for cross-platform Automation across desktop, web, and mobile applications. Gondola utilizes Action-Based Testing, a Keyword-Driven Testing methodology of the TestArchitect family, to speed up test development and test maintainability. Most significantly, Action-Based Testing and all other rich test development features are provided for free via Gondola Studio IDE without any feature limitations or limitations on the number of test creation users. 

When QA teams want to speed up their test execution times by adding more parallel execution agents on clouds, on-premises, or a hybrid-combination, they can purchase as many licenses of Gondola Enterprise as they need. 

Gondola Enterprise is the first commercial tool in the TestArchitect product line that, after purchase and signing a licensing agreement, allows customers access to the source code and complete framework ownership. That means our Gondola customers no longer face vendor-lock and can perform endless customizations as well as completely own the test scripts and underlying Automation engines moving forward. 

Gondola users will receive the following benefits: 

  • Productivity Tool for Mobile & Web: With the new Gondola Test Builder tool, testers can easily speed up their test creation on mobile pre-installed apps, native apps, and mobile web apps. The Gondola Test Builder tool can also be used for web apps running on desktop browsers.
  • Low-Code Framework on Top of Powerful Open Source Libraries: Testers don’t have to struggle with programming problems like they used to in the days of Selenium and Appium. Now, they are able to reap the benefits of open-source libraries without the pains of coding nor the taxing cost of framework ownership.
  • Intuitive Spreadsheet-like IDE: Testers will find themselves right at home with the spreadsheet-like IDE of Gondola Studio, called Gondola Test Designer. Instead of coding every test step in a test case, testers can leverage various, convenient features of Gondola Test Designer–like keyword reuse and keyword auto-complete–to speed up their test development.
  • High Extensibility & Supportability: Testers can customize Gondola in countless situations thanks to its open architecture and plug-in mechanism. With some light coding, a few Automation engineers can support a much bigger staff of business testers.
  • Shift-Left Movement, DevOps Pipeline Integrations, and Cloud-Native: Testers will find that Gondola is a perfect match for their shift-left & DevOps journeys thanks to its flexible integrations. Whatever DevOps pipelines they choose, either on-premise, cloud, or hybrid, Gondola can fit right in.

“We are proud to introduce Gondola to the TestArchitect family. By embracing the open-source culture, we are pleased to offer a low-coding commercial alternative. Gondola helps renew our commitment to providing robust Test Automation solutions to the market today,” said Hung Nguyen, CEO of LogiGear.

To Download Gondola for free please visit

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