In business, when you have more revenue flowing in than money going out, it’s a general marker of success. This is a fairly straightforward measurement to follow, but not all initiatives are this simple to monitor. The agile development process is a significant change from traditional workflows and has more fluid expectations. Although agile testing methodologies and development practices have made names for themselves, many organizations are unsure how to gauge their effectiveness. Let’s take a closer look at how to evaluate your agile practices and ensure you’re maximizing their potential advantages.
Category: Agile Testing
Steps to Ensure A Successful User Experience Process in An Agile Environment
There will always be multiple applications that do the same exact thing, and all them will tout themselves as being the best. As such, the challenge in application development is no longer just creating software that has all the necessary features and functionality, but one that also has a strong user experience.
Distributed Teams Can Be Agile
Anytime you would like to create a fierce debate in the Agile community, then just bring up a topic related to distributed way of working and outsourcing. Out of all the possible controversial topics, my favourite one is around “offshored testing”.
Using Tools for Testing in Agile
We’re republishing a series of articles from LogiGear and our LogiGear Magazine that we think merit second looks!
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