You know the adage, “Measure twice, cut once”? It’s applicable to testing, too. For automation to be successful, the approach has to be thoughtful and well-planned. Keep these rules in mind for effective testing:
Category: Test Automation
Modern Module Based Keyword Test Automation for Visual Studio
TestArchitect for Visual Studio is a keyword authoring platform extension designed specifically to enhance coded UI test automation in Visual Studio 2012.
Survey Results – Automated Testing trends from LogiGear’s 2010 Global Testing Survey
LogiGear Senior Vice President Michael Hackett analyzes the Automated Testing portion of the 2010 Global Testing Survey.
Action Based Testing: The Solution for Agile Automation
LogiGear CTO Hans Buwalda summarizes ABT’s advantages for agile projects with focus on the relationship between product and automation development life cycles, and the importance of test modules in test design.