Mark Levison of Agile Pain Relief discusses his views on outsourcing – LogiGear Magazine

Levison made the transition to Agile in 2001 and has since become a Certified Scrum Trainer and Agile Coach with Agile Pain Relief Consulting.

Levison has introduced Scrum, Lean and other Agile methods to a number of organizations and coaches from executive level to the individual developer and tester. Levison is also an Agile editor at InfoQ and has written dozens of articles on Agile topics and publishes a blog – Notes from a Tool User. Mark’s training benefits from his study and writing on the neuroscience of learning: Learning Best Approaches for Your Brain. To contact Mark Levison, please email him at

Offshore testing teams are put between a rock and a hard place. By their very nature what they’re being asked to do isn’t Agile, at best it’s better waterfall. When work is offshored with an Agile team it would be better to have the whole team (developers, testers, ….) in one place.

Much of the magic that happens with Agile Software development comes from building quality into the code and not trying to test in after the fact. In addition, team members start to cross skill with developers learning more about testing and testers pairing with developers to complete feature work.

Much of that is beyond the control of the readers of this magazine. I won’t tell you to abandon ship or change jobs. I do suggest it’s important to have a good understanding on how this can work so you know what to advocate for. In the future, I think we will see more distributed Agile work and done well. I’m already starting to see teams at some clients with parts of the team in Canada and other parts in India. It works because everybody is working in the same body of code in the same sprint.

Testing is placed at the back of the bus but should instead be an integral part of the process. In addition, the Indians make a real effort to provide an environment where the people are well paid and want to stay with the business, reducing turnover.

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Mark Levison
Mark Levison has over twenty years experience in the IT industry, working as a developer, manager, technical lead, architect, and consultant. He discovered Agile in 2001 and is now a Certified Scrum Trainer and Agile Coach with Agile Pain Relief Consulting.

Levison has introduced Scrum, Lean and other Agile methods to a number of organizations and coaches from executive level to the individual developer and tester. Levison is also an Agile editor at InfoQ and has written dozens of articles on Agile topics and publishes a blog - Notes from a Tool User. Mark's training benefits from his study and writing on the neuroscience of learning: Learning Best Approaches for Your Brain. Email Mark at